The Cara Menang Main Domino game is easy to play and from the ancient time, it can be said poker already. In fact, it can be played by enthusiast people. This game is for both gambling and entertainment.
Different people have different habits some play this for just an entertainment without using money and some. And some people play this for money, it can be played directly or invite friends and play online.
Before discussing Domino QQ winning tips online, I will explain first the number of cards.
- The card consists of 28 which distributed amongst players with a different value; it can be played by 2 or more player. 4 cards distributed for each. The highest card holder is the winner.
Know how to calculate the card value and combination of 4 cards into 2 cards. You can add 2 cards by taking the number behind it. Suppose you have a card which value is more than 10 and more and value of 20 points in the take the number behind it.
- If 3 cards given to each player on the first occasion each gets a bet or play with other to place the 4 card. If any player unable to submit bet, then he is not entitled to take a second chance.
In all player who had got the 4th card already. The bet made is to find out winner can be seen from 2 combinations of highest cards pair.
- If the game ends at same series then the winner can be determined by who pit the highest score in all players, If there is a balak between them, it can determine by finding who has the biggest circle.
- In Domino QQ there are 4 types with special or highest value.
Domino QQ Winning Tips for Special Cards Online:
The first special card is 6 card gods, is the highest in the Domino. On 28 cards only 4 cards can have a sphere of 6.
Next special card is a 4 or 4 card which all seems like a ball card.
A big pure card, which is 4 cards owned by the player with the sum number and then rounded up to 40 rounds at least.
Has a small pure card, which owned by a player with circle quantity of more than 9 areas.
For Cara Menang Main Domino game lover. This winning tips menang domino qq help you to win more game online.